Who Are Hurricane
Tandem Kayaks For?
A Hurricane Tandem Kayak is a great choice if:
- You and your paddling partner want to move in sync like a well-rehearsed dance.
- Your large family dog can’t resist joining in the fun but doesn’t fit in a solo kayak.
- You have a child or older friend eager to paddle but not quite ready for their own boat.
- You both want to enjoy the water, but the garage only has room for one kayak.
With Hurricane Tandem Kayaks, every outing becomes a shared adventure, bringing you closer to the people (and pets) who matter most.
Santee 140 Tandem
Whether you're flying solo or part of a duo, look no further. This kayak has the versatility and design to do it all.
Skimmer 140 Tandem
Defying limitations, this is the lightest tandem sit-on-top on the market. The ultimate portability and performance you can share with a friend.